If you believe you have received all the shipments related to your order from Subimods please first confirm that all provided tracking numbers have been marked as delivered on the carriers website and that your order is marked as complete on www.subimods.com. If you have confirmed both points please reach out to a member of our support team within 7 business days of the delivery date via email at support@subimods.com. Failure to reach out to Subimods within the outlined timeframe will negatively impact our ability to resolve claims of this nature.
Subimods takes every effort to ensure that orders are dispatched with the upmost care and with the highest level of accuracy. We employ a team of enthusiasts who strive for perfection but nothing is 100% accurate, items can be incorrectly packaged from the manufacturer, items can be missing pieces crucial to installation and in rare instances our warehouse team can make fulfillment errors. Thus it is crucial that as a consumer that you immediately upon delivery of your order check the contents of your shipment to ensure all items are present and correct.
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