If you have received your shipment from Subimods and you believe the item(s) delivered are not what you ordered please reach out to a member of our support team within 7 business days of the delivery date via email at support@subimods.com.
Please be sure to take detailed photos of exactly how you received the item(s). Our support team will request photos of the item(s) you believe to be incorrect along with the boxes they were received in and any packaging associated with the shipment. Please do not discard any packaging until you speak with a member of our support team! Furthermore do not under any circumstances install or attempt to install an item which you believe to be incorrectly delivered, installing any items you believe to be incorrectly delivered is tantamount to accepting the delivered item. It will be the sole responsibility of the consumer to return the incorrectly received goods to the retailer (via prepaid return label provided by Subimods).
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